Friday, 25 September 2015

Lorraine Brown - Week #39

Coorong Colours
28.5cm x 38cm on Saunders Waterford Rough
Watercolour like no other media provides us surprises as so much "on the paper happenings" means we have to be prepared to work with whatever direction our paintings are heading and not fight it.
This work is a really good example of this. I was doing a demo using clingfilm and using a reference from a trip to the Flinders Ranges. When I took the cling film off to continue I was presented with texture and colours that looked more like the sand dunes and terrain where I live here, near the Coorong. Instead of trying to make it look like a landscape from hundreds of kilometres away, I embraced the surprise and continued with it to a finished landscape of a local scene. A good lesson for my students on not giving up.