Sunday, 18 October 2015

Lorraine Brown - Week # 42

I have been scheduling posts for the last month as I am away on a 5 week break which includes attending a 5 day workshop with Fabio Cembranelli who is visiting Australia. This post which shows a floral seems apt as the next time I post a floral it just may well have some influence of my workshop experience.
This painting started out as a 1/4 sheet 14 x 11" but sat in my file cabinet as the cup and saucer and tea caddy had been so overworked it was a wreck. Instead of considering it a total flop I chose to crop the work down to a 8" x 10" painting, saving all the parts I truly loved. I recently gave it to a friend recovering from an operation. I knew she already had a room full of fresh flowers so thought this would be a lasting get well wish.

 Before the Crop,Unloved

Apple Blossom
for Betteanne
Watercolour 8" x 10"