Sunday, 27 September 2015

isabella kramer week #38



SIZE:  24 X 34 CM 
PAPER: Hahnemuehle Cornwall rough 450 g/m²
COLORS: Permanent Orange, Light Turquoise, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Neutral Tinte 

Hello dear Watercolor Friends and Hello Autumn!! 

It's time for some little paintings with the amazing rich and warm autumnal colors. This is the second year I've Physalis plants with their wonderful lanterns in my garden and I'm deeply in love with them. So I arrange little still lifes and try to catch the fragile soul of this beauties. 

I hope you like my result. Wish you all happy and create last September days. 

May light and color be with you.

xo, Isabella 
